More information :
The Auto Like service concerns your every new post that will take place from the moment the service is activated and for 30 days. The users from whom the likes will be made are not real therefore they will not be a buying public for your business.
Their usefulness has to do mainly with psychology. Creating the impression of an active account with interaction. This may have a positive effect on the image that your real followers, customers will have, seeing that your posts are “Liked”, motivating them to interact with your posts themselves.
Accounts with post interaction are also promoted by the instagram algorithm, so your account may be recommended to other users in order to follow it because of the “popularity” we create artificially.
The service involves up to 3 photo posts per day, or 13,500 Likes in total for a period of 30 days.
The service will end either with the calendar expiration of 30 days from the date of its activation or if the total number of Likes reaches 13,500 before the expiration of 30 days.
Suggested use:
Auto likes are made in a range (minimum: 100 and maximum: 150) in order to look like a normal interaction with your posts. For example, some of your photos will receive 123 Likes, others 108 Likes and others 150 Likes, a random number of likes on each photo within the specified range.
This is done so that it is not obvious that the likes are artificial.
Usually 10% of the followers of an account interact in each post, so this package is for accounts with at least 1,000 followers. If you do not have the required number of followers, you can use our Instagram Followers service and get as many as you want.
In case the total number of your followers is greater, or you just want to increase the range of auto likes you can increase the range of Auto likes that will be received for your new post by increasing the “amount” in your order.
If you increase the amount to “2” then the range will change to (minimum: 200 and maximum: 300) and the total number of likes for your account will be 27,000 Likes for a period of 30 days.
We can make a package tailored exactly to your needs, customized range or even a fixed number of Auto Like per post, Auto Like in your previous posts, package for more than 3 posts per day and any other modification you wish. Contact us.
NOTE: The account must be open and not private, maximum delivery time 24 hours.
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