What is Grey Hat SEO?

In fact Grey Hat SEO came about, it originally didn’t exist as a term, we were content with the “good” White Hat SEO with the rules that we should follow faithfully to get the results we want, and the “bad” Black Hat SEO from which we should stay away to avoid the bad consequences that sooner or later we will be faced with.

Grey Hat SEO


Grey Hat SEO is probably the most used practice – method for search engine optimization if we want to be honest.

For some it is a conscious choice, for others it is a condition they find themselves in without knowing it, there is also a third category of those who have chosen to copy a competitor, a practice that is commonly followed in SEO and is acceptable.

What happens when a direct competitor has used slightly “greyer” practices – strategies than us and ranks better for the same keywords – key phrases?

Do we ignore it and keep doing everything “by the book“, letting us be “underneath” them? Or are we copying their strategy?

It is certainly a decision we will have to make at some point.

Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

Like guys, haven’t we mentioned in all ways possible that Black Hat SEO practices should be avoided at all costs because the effects on our pages may be negative?

The answer is yes, we should avoid Black Hat SEO practices because – in the end – they will be more harmful than beneficial.

But ultimately the key is in what can be proven to belong in Black Hat SEO practices and what does not…

For instance, cloaking, with cloaking we set alternative content to be “read” by the Google bot when it visits a page in order for us to achieve better ranking, while the content a user who visits the page sees is different.

It is obviously a Black Hat SEO method which aims to “deceive” the search engine

More information can be found in the video below :

Such a practice, is easily recognized and described as Black Hat SEO, it blatantly violates the Webmaster guidelines and brings about the appropriate penalties from Google.

Paying a sum of money to a webmaster site owner to put a backlink of our own page, we do know that this is also a Black Hat SEO practice but how easily can it be proven for there to be the appropriate repercussions.

The dividing lines between the methods and strategies of search engine optimization are usually distinct, but in some cases the boundaries are widened and the “tolerance” of search engines to the strict limits they set is greater.

It takes great care if we choose to push the boundaries of White Hat SEO safely, we can benefit without taking much risk.

As long as we know what we are doing and why we are doing it.

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